Wednesday, April 8, 2015

SSH and Telnet What is?

If you are a user who unix & linux is no wonder this with them, but here comes this topic aims to discuss with the webmaster and turn unfamiliar to us and we can help in any the work site.

SSH and Telnet is a program that connects directly to a workstation (virtual machine) from anywhere to use, adjust, change information, files and data. This works just as you sit opposite the station but did not show interface (GUI) that must use the keyboard to type on. If you are fluent but on the keypad commands that you can do everything like you're sitting with them through how to connect with ssh and telnet program.

SSH and Telnet differance in place?

There is no ban deep in this respect, simply said even if later you proficient will then learn separately. When using a telnet connection to the workstation, then the data sent over unsecured line also with ssh, all data (data) will be encryp again. In addition there are two main purposes to the methods and commands used are the same.

How to SSH and Telnet are a new user?
If you use Windows 9x onwards you can use telnet from DOS prompt screen ... As for SSH is not available in Windows, so you have to use a third party (third party software) can be used. SSH process is very much on the internet; spend money, free, and this is the ssh popular and most widely used:

SecureCRT - Very good, secured and guru to use, but expensive.
F-Secure SSH client!
PuTTY - free and is also common in the referral program.

Some commands Unix / Linux common webmaster taking over SSH (telnet)

cd - change from packet (folder) to set other records (using like in DOS)

pwd - This command informs you know where they are now, set records.

ls - This command is used to list all the files, the command also has options like: ls (list all files, even hidden files), ls -l (list and put long enough to file detailed knowledge) and ls-La is common.
cat - used to view and read a file. (Eg cat file.txt)

mkdir - create a new file recovery application (eg: mkdir new_folder)

rmdir - remove a packet (eg rmdir folder)

cp - copy a file or a new folder from a file (folder) original

mv - move a file (folder) to a new name (or the new place)

rm - remove files and folders (vi: rm file, folder -arf rm)

grep - find a word or a line in a file (eg grep "viet" file.php)

tar - definition file or extracting files from a package definition file (file.tar), (eg, tar -xvf files.tar)

zip - recall a file (folder) via zip ... (eg zip file.php)

unzip - to extract the zip package to package files (eg unzip -al)

First download putty here:
see the documentation used here:

If the user is allowed to use putty telnet and ssh, but also depending on your host for any type of user access. Once you access the server via putty and then type the following command:

Old server:
$ Tar CF forum.tar forum
(Eg the forum that you want to move the folder to the new server)
$ Mysqldump -u username -opt -ppassword database_name> backup.sql
$ Tar CF backup.sql.tar backup.sql

New Server:
$ Wget
$ Wget
$ Tar -vxf forum.tar
$ Tar -vxf backup.sql.tar
$ Mysql -u username -ppassword database_name <backup.sql

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